
Cast of The Curious Savage - 2023

4th Street Theater

Chesterton, Indiana


Thank you to all who auditioned. We had some great talent from which to cast our play.  Please audition again for 4th Street Theater’s future shows.


This year’s cast for The Curious Savage is as follows:


Mrs. Savage—Linda Didelot

Lily Belle—JoAnna Halinski

Titus—Dexter Pritchard

Samuel—Roy Siebert


Dr. Emmet—Jerry Galvidis

Miss Willie—Josefina Reign


Florence—Jill Watterson

Fairy—Kassandra Kaercher

Hannibal—Deveon Williams

Jeff—Caibhan McClure

Mrs. Paddy—Mary Watterson


Performances will be November 3-19, 2023

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